Did you know, that women, on average, earn less than men in nearly every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio? So what should you do? Build your transferrable toolkit that is in demand by...
Resume optimization is the process of embedding keywords and metrics related to your specific work experience, education, training, knowledge, skills and abilities with a focus on current hot skills in demand by employers. Thinks of resume optimization as “search...
Your legal name is your employment passport. Have you done all that you can to protect your employability from potentially damaging Google search results? We’ve all heard it before. Once it’s on the web, it’s there forever. Well, what if I were to tell you, maybe not?...
The days are over where you wait to lose your job to launch a job search. You are always searching for your next opportunity. That’s the new job seeker reality – 360 degree continuous job search. The first place to look for new opportunities? Your current...
It’s time for all working professionals to create a robust Online Career Brand. It’s time for you to go beyond the resume. When it comes to your career, you can’t afford to have a boring general resume and not optimize your online career brand. If...
While working professionals, job seekers, consultants, contractors and executives aren’t marketing experts, they do need to jumpstart their job search with an Online Career Brand through a program like CareerRx™. From my experience working in Recruitment and...