The next time you quickly apply online for a job and submit an online job application, keep this in mind. Forbes states that around 98 of every 100 applications are immediately rejected. As a candidate, you will not be contacted by the Recruiter.
Make Sure You’ve Optimized Your Resume for Online Job Applications
- Embed a one-paragraph bio at the top of your resume that nails the job description
- Customize your work experience to directly address all of the requirements listed in the job posting.
- Think of the job posting as an RFP (Request for Proposal) and your resume is the proposal. You would never submit a boilerplate, generic proposal to an RFP and the same goes for your online job applications.
- Be sure to use the same language and terms used in the job posting in your resume. If they call an office manager an office coordinator, change your bio to match the term they use.
Resume Optimization Is About Identifying Transferable Skills
- As time goes on, you should review your resume and delete content that is no longer relevant due to changes in technology
- Your resume should highlight your “toolkit” of professional work experience, education, certifications, knowledge, skills and training that is current, relevant and critical to success in the job for which you are applying.
Because a large group of long term unemployed workers remains in the United States, many hiring managers are surprised that the talent shortage is so acute for qualified talent. Employers feel that candidates are simply not meeting the requirements for roles they need to fill. Between 30-40% of companies reported that there were few or no qualified applicants for their open positions. Many times, candidates are just not including the most relevant skills information on their resume to be considered a qualified candidate for the job in question.
About The Career Launcher
After spending years managing Talent Acquisition for Fortune 500 companies, The Career Launcher created the CareerRx™ program along with ResumeGenie™ for resume optimization.
In CareerRx™, she shows job seekers how recruiting and job search has been transformed by constantly changing recruiting technology including applicant tracking systems, social media, LinkedIn Recruiter, and how we must change our definition of “job search” to launch and continuously promote an Online Career Brand.
With over 20 years of hands-on direct recruitment experience, The Career Launcher demystifies the online job application process and offers job seekers a comprehensive research-based program to jump start their job searches. She provides an insider’s perspective to what companies are seeking from candidates in the interview process.
It’s time for you to go beyond the resume. When it comes to your career, you can’t sit on the sidelines in the social media revolution. Click here to jumpstart your job search today with CareerRx™.