If you apply for a job that you consider a stretch role, and actually get scheduled for an interview, that is amazing. Employers tend to try to hire new hires into lateral moves not promotions, which really frustrates job seekers. What is a stretch role? Stretch...
People spend more time planning the series are going to binge watch than they do on their career. No matter what career stage you’re in- new grad, mid-career professional, executive or career changer- every year you should upgrade and refine your career strategy....
It’s the day of your job interview and you’ve not prepared enough. What should you do to mentally get ready for a day of probing interview questions, some of which will be odd and others will be just potentially stressful. First Impression – First, focus...
Hate Your Job? Top 10 Things to Do Right Now I recently read an article indicating that about 1 out of 5 American workers is miserable at work. That’s 20% of all working Americans who loath their jobs. Imagine the impact on their health, families, financial...
Planning for age discrimination? Are you kidding? Not at all. It’s one of the most important plans you will ever consider. Most working professionals approach their careers with trust, assuming it will all work out because it started out so well. They assume...
Retirement is an Obsolete Construct Our grandparents looked forward to retirement. That’s because they had more that Social Security. They had pensions. Remember that three legged stool that would fund retirement experts always mentioned? The retirement stool...